Barrow celebrated Victoria's Jubilee with binge drinking, soup kitchens and mass unemployment. Addressing myriad social problems, pastor Arthur Leonard's career move led to his founding the C.H.A.

  1. T. A. Leonard, personal papers, B/CHA/HIS/16/11 GMCRO
  2. T. A. Leonard, Adventures in Holidaymaking, 1934, pp 24 - 25
  3. Bryn Trescatheric, How Barrow was built... Hougenai Press... 1985
  4. Minutes, Colne Congregational Church, May 1890, CUCO 7/1 Lancashire Record Office, Preston
  5. Bryn Trescatheric, Barrow Town Hall, 1887 - 1987 Titus Wilson, Kendal 1987
  6. Mark Bevin, 'Labour Churches and Ethical Socialism,' History Today, Vol 47, April, 1997
  7. Independent Church, Colne, letter to Arthur Leonard, November, 1894, Leonard family papers.
  8. Robert Snape, The National Home Reading Union, 1889 - 1930, University of Bolton Institutional Repository
  9. Ambleside Railway Bill, Select Committee Enquiry, 1887 Privileged Lakeland residents, including Ruskin vehemently opposed access for working class visitors.
  10. Westmorland Gazette, July 2009, Nelson and Colne Times, June 1891